Have you ever watched a football player do great on a test in class, and finish the school day by going straight to practice? What about a cheerleader? Or a basketball player? Have you ever wondered just how they do it? The endless practices and piles of homework. What we don’t get to see is just how much they actually have to deal with. Just like the rest of us, but a bit more. So let’s take a look into the lives of student athletes to understand how they manage their time.
Student athletes face a variety of challenges. Being a student is the main one. One’s academics must come before athletics since they need to be eligible to participate. According to Helix’s student handbook, “students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average” in order to receive eligibility to participate in their sports. If a student doesn’t meet the 2.0 GPA requirement, it will result in the removal of the student from their program until the next eligibility check date.
When it comes to academics, students have to deal with a rigorous schedule consisting of tests, homework, and even studying. Balancing the two can be difficult since they both require significant amounts of time and effort. Fitting in the time to complete all of their tasks alongside practicing the techniques of a sport can be stressful.
Isabelle Green, a cheerleader, expressed how ,“after coming home from practice at about 6:30PM, I would be tired, but still have homework to do” instead of being able to rest. Kristian Giordano, a basketball player, voiced how he struggles when , “trying to prioritize my academics while also continuing to workout and get better athletically.” Both of my interviewees highlighted how they have issues with time management and being able to complete all of their assignments while still finding the time to practice. While this is a worldwide obstacle, that the majority of student athletes face, Helix provides simple solutions.
If you’re having a difficult time turning in your assignments on time, reach out to your teachers.
Communicate your problems with them and establish a plan that works for the both of you.
Visit the Den or attend early morning tutorials where you can find help from teachers.
Our Helix staff want you to succeed. Being an athletic-based school, they understand your busy schedules and are more than willing to help you make a program that’s right for you.
The stress of student athletes not only lie within the management of their studies, but also in their physical performance. Most student athletes would prefer to focus on their sports since that tends to be their passion. However, the stress of academics can affect their performance during competitions and practices. When the academic eligibility due date comes around, students can face anxiety when trying to raise or maintain their GPA. This can affect their mental focus during practice. In this article, students, “undergo constant training and competition hence, they are always tired. This level of physical involvement has serious effects like muscle pain, fatigue, and injuries that affect athletic performance and studying.” It is hard to maintain a healthy body while constantly going through tough exercises.
Visiting the athletic trainers, stretching, and even trying a physical therapist/specialized doctor can improve your physical potential in the long run.
It will not only improve your physical range of motion, but also your mind’s ability to connect with your body to perform at your highest level.
A football player from Duke University voiced how “we were expected to be the best football players in our conference, be some of the best students in our classrooms, all while maintaining a normal young adult life.” Not only do high school athletes face this pressure, but college athletes do as well. All student athletes alike have experienced the trials and errors of time management. Whether it be your academics or athletics, students face challenges. It plays a major role not only on your body, but your mind. But it is about learning. Understanding yourself and establishing reasonable goals will allow for the utmost success.